Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this server still active in 2024/2025 and beyond?
A: YES! Arsenal Classic is still getting maintenanced and even though not many people are playing CoD2 anymore, you'll probably find mates to play with, if you join our Discord chat.

Q: "Punk Buster" is kicking me from the server?
A: Download the updated "Punk Buster" files. Browse your CoD2 installation folder and delete the "pb" folder there. Now copy the "pb" folder from the downloaded archive to the same place.
Q: How do i install the server files and map packs manually?
A: In case you do have trouble with the auto-download, browse your Call of Duty 2 installation folder and create a folder named "arsenal". Place all the .iwd files from here in there. 

Q: I am getting a black screen when i start the CoD2 multiplayer client.
A: Try the patch from the download section first. Otherwise, try to set compatibility mode for both "CoD2MP_s.exe" and "CoD2SP_s.exe" to "Windows XP Service Pack 3". If that does not get you into the multiplayer part immediately after starting the exe, try to be patient and just wait for 1-2 minutes. The game should start fine after a while, even with the black screen showing. If you are using the Steam version, you also have to copy "steam.dll" from the Steam main directory into the CoD2 installation folder. Standard paths are: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2
Another possible fix sometimes, is to plug in an usb-device, like a playstation controller.

Q: It says "Invalid Key" when i try to join a multiplayer match.
A: Search Google for "call of duty 2 key codes" and try one of these.
Q: Can't find "ARSENAL Classic" in the server list.
Make sure your game is patched to uncracked v1.3 - download the official update for the cd-version here. Do not get confused. It will still show "v1.2" in singleplayer, after patching. The steam version does not need to be patched. Sort the server list using names and we should pop up pretty much on top.
Q: Can i direct-connect to the server via desktop shortcut?
A: You can. Right click the Call of Duty(R) 2 Multiplayer shortcut and choose properties. In the shortcut tab look for the target path and add +connect at the end so that it looks somewhat like this: "C:\Your path to Call of Duty 2\cod2mp_s.exe" +connect

If you're using the Steam version, you have to add this to the launch options, available from within your steam library.
Q: I am able to join, but mods do not work as expected or maps are missing. 
A: Please try to delete the whole '..\Call of Duty 2\arsenal' folder and download the files manually from this homepage. Make sure to delete other mods that you might have downloaded before, as these may conflict with our servers mod package.

Go to the following directories and check for any .iwd files that do NOT begin with either "mp_", "iw_" or "localized_" and delete them:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty 2\main\

Q: The automatic download of server files is looping or is too slow.
A: Please delete the whole '..\Call of Duty 2\arsenal' folder and try to connect again. You may have to re-try several times (hit Esc and connect to the server again, if needed). Alternatively download the files manually from this homepage.

Q: My weapon is gone, after i hit the 'sprint' button while climbing.
A: Hit the 'Switch Weapon' key, to bring your weapon(s) back again.
Q: My cd version of the game won't start.
A: Make sure to run it as "Administrator" and try to set compatibility mode to WinXP SP3.
Q: My game is crashing at startup.
A: Make sure you have an active microphone connected to your pc. This is a bug.

Q: My game is crashing while changing options.
A: Look for
\Call of Duty 2\main\players\YOURNAME and edit config_mp.cfg to change diverse in-game options, like the resolution or anti-aliasing.
Q: My keybinds and/or nickname resets every time i start the game.
A: First make sure you are not in an active game. Then go to "Select Profile" and either create one or enable one by clicking on the name and then "OK". Now change your key-bindings. You have to repeat this procedure every time you want to change stuff.

Q: What gametype does the server run?
A: Vote for any gametype in-game using the voting system. Standard is HQ with all weapons.
Q: Are bots enabled on the server?
A: Arsenal Classic does not use bots. Every enemy or team mate will be a real human player.

Q: Where is the server located?

A: We currently run 1 server located in Germany (European Union).
Q: Will there be an US-based ARSENAL server in the future?
A: Right now we got an EU-based server only, thus you may not be able to join us, if you're located in america due to high ping. However, if enough people are willing to regularly support the server via Patreon, we will set up an ARSENAL server in the central US as well.
Problem still not solved? Get in touch with our Discord live support.