Server Rules be followed

No Insults
No Discrimination
No Door-Camping
No Spawn-Nading
No Exploiting
No Hacking

No Advertising
(This includes player names with server references)

Use non-controversial names only (e.g. not "ILikeHolocaust")
Always stay in the appropriate voice chat channel, don't switch. 
Keep background noises in voice-chat minimal.No music.
We want a clean and mature environment, no kiddies, no haters, no trolls.
Profanity is allowed as long as it's not used towards other players.
The server language is english or german.

Ignoring any of these rules may lead to a kick/ ban.
Please understand:
 You must have a ping below 90, else you may get kicked from the server. 
This is to ensure smooth gameplay for everyone.